• No usar correos hotmail para el registro en el foro, hotmail está presentando muchos problemas últimamente y no llegan los emails de activación.
  • Gana más haciendo lo mismo participando en los proyectos del foro.

SCAM Trideci - CERRADO -Recibido 1er pago - 22.20$


Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.


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Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

salbar dijo:
supongo que si le llega una oleada de ingresos en otros procesadores podría mejorar el asunto, pero no creo que la gente sea tonta para invertir ahora. [pien]
La entrada de capital depende de que el admin sea capaz de mantener el sitio con lo que hay al menos por un mes para dar confianza a los usuarios. Si se ven retiros, la gente invierte. Si no se ven retiros y por contra hay quejas, la confianza se retrae y el programa se va al garete. De momento vamos a esperar para ver cómo resuelve el problema con Liberty Reserve, y a cruzar los dedos para que todo esto se quede en LR y no tengamos que anunciar algún otro cierre, aunque a veces las habladurías pueden hacer más daño que las acciones en sí. De paso, a ver si se termina pronto la histeria colectiva o se van al Sálvame a contar sus penas, porque me salen por las orejas las plañideras de turno que parece que disfrutan cuando pasan estas cosas. Qué ganas de marear tiene el personal, parece mentira (y no lo digo por este foro).



En algún lugar...
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

Bueno, pues ya hay novedades. Y las novedades son... que ha vuelto. Como siempre, no hay explicación del admin. Así que cuando cambie algo respecto a estos días, o el admin nos cuente qué piensa hacer, lo notificaré. De todos modos, id pensando en lo peor.


Edito: he borrado mi mensaje anterior.


Miembro del equipo
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

Qué buena noticia!!! Evidente, sí, pero ya va siendo algo [ago]

Ahí he visto que hay unos 50 nuevos registrados, esperemos que sigan llegando y a ver si hay suerte [:ch)]


En algún lugar...
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

roll dijo:
Ahí he visto que hay unos 50 nuevos registrados, esperemos que sigan llegando y a ver si hay suerte [:ch)]
El problema es que se han habilitado los registros, pero no se puede comprar (salvo membresía, que dudo que estén comprando muchos), así que sigue sin haber entrada de dinero. Realmente no entiendo para qué prolonga tanto la agonía. Si está esperando que el día 1 vuelva Liberty, es para darle de hostias.


Miembro del equipo
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

A ver si manda algún mensaje aclaratorio. Puede suponerse (o no [pien]) que estará haciendo reajustes y demás cálculos


En algún lugar...
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

Pues parece que resucitan, acabo de ver este aviso:

A ver si realmente vuelven (debería estar operativo a las 08:00 hora peninsular) y sobre todo, cómo vuelven.



Miembro del equipo
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

Gran noticia, confiemos en que vaya hacia arriba [ago] [:ch)]


En algún lugar...
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

Bien, pues toca ir dando explicaciones de este proyecto. Aunque hace tres días que Trideci envió un correo explicando la actual situación, tuve que enviar un ticket de soporte porque lo relativo a los retiros en este caso seguía bloqueado, y he esperado hasta obtener una solución. Finalmente me han hecho el cambio de procesador (de LR a PM), y he podido solicitar los 22.20$ que había en el account y que serán procesados en las próximas 72h.

El correo enviado, como siempre, es extenso y realmente sólo tres párrafos merecen la pena, así que lo dejo en spoiler. Vamos con los tres puntos importantes:

1. We are doing a restart. But not today. We will do this in approx 30 days, around July 4th. No particular reason for why we picked that date but we think it will be a low activity period.

Thus we have put ALL Daily Commission Units activated before our reopening, on HOLD. This does not mean you have lost their potential earnings. They are just not earning any Daily Commissions as of right now.

This does not apply to any new units activated from now on. Additionally, all new DCU's will not be included in the restart, ONLY those on HOLD.

2. We have reduced the Daily Commission rate to exactly half of what it was previous. And it wont go above this until the restart is completed.

As stated on the Plan, the Daily Commission rate is variable, but we are capping it for now to build that Pool up faster. After the restart, we will re-evaluate the rate and see if it is sustainable at our previous levels.

To allow for the reduced rate, we have increased the expiry dates to 150 Days. Even at the reduced commissions, you should have no problems reaching the target well before time, even if you do miss a few days surfing.

3. For new DCUs the Nominal Target is reduced, to $15.00 for A's, $50.00 for B's and $200.00 for C's. This will continue from here on regardless. This will make the new DCU part far more sustainable, while still providing reward.
Resumiendo: actualmente están haciendo un reset y por tanto las DCU adquiridas están en espera (congeladas) y no generan ningún beneficio. Por lo que entiendo, esto continuará así hasta el 4 de Julio y luego en teoría volverían a generar, pero eso sí, reduciendo a la mitad el porcentaje de beneficio, que pasaría a ser del 1% en 150 días (se alarga también el periodo de vigencia). Esto sólo aplica a las DCU compradas antes del mantenimiento y del posterior cierre de LR. Las DCU que se compren desde ahora sí generan beneficios.

Aunque la membresía adquirida aún no expiró, ahora mismo no sirve absolutamente para nada. Tanto de lo mismo pasa con el balance de recompra, que al intentar coger la posición que corresponde en la matriz saca un cartelito muy majo diciéndote que "esto no es una cadena de favores". Sin comentarios. Si a partir del 4 de julio las DCU que tenemos "en espera" volviesen a generar, pagaría el correspondiente mes de membresía. Pero en este momento sería tirar el dinero a la basura, porque únicamente serviría para obtener una posición de regalo que descontarían después del account balance. Entonces, por el momento, sería cuestión de esperar.

En favor del sitio he de decir que se están viendo retiros desde el primer día de la reapertura, lo que seguramente anime a la gente a invertir o reinvertir.

... y esto es lo que hay, de momento.


Ok. So there we were. What a shocker its been these last 3 weeks.

Right, I am sure you all know by now that about two weeks ago, just after we completed our security upgrade, Liberty Reserve was closed down suddenly and without warning, taking with it the greater part of our stored funds. No point in rehashing the official stated reasons here, if you need further details, please google it. Makes for very interesting reading.

Right now, we are pretty damn certain those funds are lost with no hope of recovery which leaves us in the predicament we find ourselves today.

OK. So I am going to explain the following two very pertinent facts again one more time, and please, for Petes sake PAY BLOODY ATTENTION this time!


We are an AFFILIATE MARKETING program which pays rewards through a hybrid MLM / Revenue Share type compensation Plan.

We make sales, which generate profits, and we display advertising, which we get paid for. These generate income which is distributed back to our affiliates based on the number and type of the relevant compensation plan structures they have qualified for, be it DCUs, Cyclers or RCM postions.

At no time do we, or have we or ever will, take in investments or deposits and we do not guarantee any type of fixed return. Got it! All our payments are performance based!

Second. And this is direct result of the first. And really take note here people!

The compensation plan, what we call the Daily Income System, ie DCUs Cyclers and RCM, IS NOT WHAT YOU PAY FOR!

The PRODUCT is what you pay for!

And in this case our product is advertising, namely ad credits, to use on our ad network so you can advertise your text, banner and surf ads.

Thus when you make a purchase on our site, you receive a product in return, ad credits, even on the 30 Day Member Services Packages, and this is the only guarantee ever given, delivery of that product to your account.

And thus as its a purchase of a bonafide product, it must only ever be termed as a business expense, or capital outlay. I am fed up with people referring to it as an investment or deposit. It is NOT an investment! Get it straight!

And also this means the compensation plan, however dependent, is separated from your product purchases.

We only offer to you, our Affiliates, as an incentive and reward for making such purchases, the chance to participate in the compensation plan by issuing DCUs, Cycler positions and your RCM position, when you have made enough qualifying purchases.

We do not guarantee any earnings from this. We do not pay at a fixed rate unless specifically stated, in fact we have always stated our commission rates are variable. We do not even guarantee that the compensation plan will remain in play for any specified period of time.

And this is specifically stated in both our Earnings Disclaimer and the Terms of Use attached to the website, which by the way apply to you.

What!! You have not read them? You should have, because you agreed to them when you signed up, every time you make a purchase, and every time you log in!

And that not just us folks, its virtually industry standard. Go and read the T&Cs of any worthwhile opportunity out there and you will find much the same thing. We are not just suddenly springing this on you, the T&Cs define our contract with you, and yours and our obligations, and they have been there since the very beginning.

So why the rant?

OK. LR's departure, to put it mildly has put us under enormous pressure, and it has wiped out our entire profit pool, ie the one we pay daily commissions from.

As previously stated, we have enough to cover all other obligations such as cash account balances which means any possible withdrawals, and immediate cycle payouts to name the two most important.

But daily commissions would no longer be able to be paid, at least not at a rate to be worthwhile.

Thus we have now have two options.

1. Shut the Daily Income Plan down and pay out all Cash Account balances and we can all go our own ways.


2. Try and figure another way out of this.

Now as I have just explained above, we could easily take the first option and we would still be well within our rights to do so. We would leave the site open so you could place your ads and use up the credits you purchased and thus we would have fulfilled our obligations.

But that would be too easy. And honestly, it would ruin the plans of a lot of members who put time and effort into promoting Trideci to make it a part of their online activities and income generation. Many of whom I have come to know and understand over the last 5 or so years.

Secondly, we put a lot of resources into this, and it was potentially a very profitable business unit and we would hate to see all that go to waste.

Also, in the 3 months prior, we gathered a lot of what you might call business intelligence, ie statistics on how the site was running, cash flows, bottlenecks, etc. We have had a chance to analyse that and see what we can improve and work on, and if we can recover what has been lost.

So. We think we can.

But. Its going to take your support.

Otherwise. We may as well take Option 1 above.

So. This is our proposal and this is the basis on which we are now operating. We have set a few a targets to allow us to measure the results, and if we hit those targets, we should all be good to go. Here goes.

Trideci Number 1 Plan of Action. Objective - Rebuild the Profit Pool so we can reopen and pay all DCUs as before.

If we can get the pool back up to what it was before LR's takedown. Do this and all else will fall into place. Then the effects of the restart will be minimal and we wont have to convert many DCU's to cyclers.

So, these are these steps we are taking to achieve this. You need to help out and follow.

1. We are doing a restart. But not today. We will do this in approx 30 days, around July 4th. No particular reason for why we picked that date but we think it will be a low activity period.

Thus we have put ALL Daily Commission Units activated before our reopening, on HOLD. This does not mean you have lost their potential earnings. They are just not earning any Daily Commissions as of right now.

This does not apply to any new units activated from now on. Additionally, all new DCU's will not be included in the restart, ONLY those on HOLD.

2. We have reduced the Daily Commission rate to exactly half of what it was previous. And it wont go above this until the restart is completed.

As stated on the Plan, the Daily Commission rate is variable, but we are capping it for now to build that Pool up faster. After the restart, we will re-evaluate the rate and see if it is sustainable at our previous levels.

To allow for the reduced rate, we have increased the expiry dates to 150 Days. Even at the reduced commissions, you should have no problems reaching the target well before time, even if you do miss a few days surfing.

3. For new DCUs the Nominal Target is reduced, to $15.00 for A's, $50.00 for B's and $200.00 for C's. This will continue from here on regardless. This will make the new DCU part far more sustainable, while still providing reward.

Our calcs would suggest a period of 1 year to 18 months before any type of compression and/or restart is necessary if we combined 3. and 2. above based on the 3 months the site has been operational.

Which means if you are up for it, you can go ahead and activate new DCUs as if it were the first day we opened and now with hindsight, seeing the sort of income generated by those who applied themselves in the last 3 months, even at the reduced rates, you would be a fool not to give it a go.

Now. Thats not all. We probably wont achieve our target in 30 days if we just do those 3 things above.

So. We will be releasing a several new programs/sites shortly. We have plans for two Cyclers, plus one or two hybrid MLM / Revenue Shares like TriDeci but highly simplified.

These were planned for later this year, but under the circumstances, we thought best to bring them forward and keep TriDeci on top.

You will be offered first signup rights as members of TriDeci, and profits from these will contribute to rebuilding the Pool. So please look out for our notifications of when they are open for sign ups, first should be this weekend.

So. Choice is up to you.

Withdrawals are opened, if somewhat restricted, but that will be re-evaluated in few days or so. They are being processed so you can see we mean business.

We do think this is a great opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons and we would much rather see you commit some of your back-office funds to TriDeci purchases rather than taking them and running, but its your choice.

We'll leave it to you to show us your confidence, and we will issue another update soon.


TriDeci Admin.


En algún lugar...
Re:Proyecto TRIDECI

The amount of 22.2 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U2466977->UXXXXXXX. Memo: API Payment. TriDeci Account Withdrawal - Please dont forget to leave feedback in MeetPoint - Thank You. Date: 07:22 09.06.13. Batch: 24XXXX44.

Recibido el pago, veo en el mensaje adjunto que es mediante API (automatizado) lo cual es buena señal.


En algún lugar...
Re:TRIDECI - Recibido 1er pago

Bien, pues adjunto captura del pago y la tabla correspondiente. En la columna "Total" aparece el resultado de dividir los 22.20$ recibidos entre las 28 posiciones existentes, adjudicando a cada uno lo que corresponde según el número de posiciones compradas.



Re:TRIDECI - Recibido 1er pago - 22.20$

Con lo cobrado se reinvierte o se va pagando? yo creo que es mejor reinvertir pero segun estan las cosas con la caida de lr y eso habria que pensarlo.


En algún lugar...
Re:TRIDECI - Recibido 1er pago - 22.20$

Se va pagando, de hecho ya he pasado el dinero a mariacristina para que lo incluya en los pagos de mañana. En este proyecto no se planteó reinversión, y tal como está ahora el tema es arriesgado (aunque fue una de las opciones que valoré al recibir el mail del admin). Por el momento hay una especie de reset que durará hasta el 4 de julio. En esa fecha en teoría las DCU compradas volverían a funcionar, pero por ahora no tenemos ninguna certeza.

Realmente este proyecto está poniendo a prueba mis nervios [:-)]

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