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pudiera ser algo así como una factura por la que se compruebe el usuario, relacionado con la Allied Wallet:
Today is the day! We are finally ready to release the option to be paid out on your Allied Wallet prepaid debit cards!
Button can be found on the withdrawal page, and add a card page for ordering your Allied Wallet card.
Just make sure your name and address information are correct before processing the order, because once ordered and paid for, there's no way to make a change and we want you to receive your cards!
* Card delivery may take up to 2 weeks.
We're also integrating 3D Secure credit card processing at check out.
We've also implemented the "Add Card" feature which will help protect you from having anyone else use your card with Traffic Monsoon.
This means you'll need to upload front/back of your ID cards, and a recent utility bill to help us ensure you are the rightful card holder. This requirement is being placed on us by Allied Wallet, and we aim to comply and keep our business strong for years to come!
When you order your Allied Wallet card, you'll first pay a 1-time $6 for the card. When requesting funds from Traffic Monsoon to your card, there is only a $0.50 fee.