Anoche estuve meditando ésto:
Dear Members,
Recently we have realized that many members are using the chance that we do not have any Deposit<>Cash out rule and they use us like Uniclique is a cash exchange site, not a ptc site. This affects a lot our cash balances in the different payment processor and mostly Payza. It is why we were forced to make a Deposit>Cash out rule which is concerning only Payza in the moment.
Payza is currently having issues with their new bank contributor and it takes us a lot time and nerves to move funds out and to it. It is the other reason which is making us create the new rules. Please read the changes in our Terms of Service:
"1.The Non-Depositors may cash out to Payza maximum totally of 10$.
2. We have a Deposit - Cash out rule which is concerning Payza. The members who are depositors but never deposited to Payza, they can cash out to Payza maximum totally 10$.
3. The Payza Depositors may cash out maximum 300% of their Payza deposit. They can cash out more than 300% to any other processor.''
Como nos falta dólar y medio para diez, pedir una vez alcanzado esa cifra que supuestamente es el tope y para siempre. Como hemos cobrado antes por Paypal, tenemos todo el cupo. por Payza los fees en todo son menores que por Paypal, así que cada céntimos que saquemos por Payza valdrá más que cada céntimo sacado por Paypal. Qué les parece?