ayer noche mandé a soporte un ticket porque no recibí la totalidad de los anuncios que se suponía que me iba a tocar. Si a alguien le pasó lo mismo, la respuesta sería algo así:
Yesterday according to Table I would receive 3.3511 in advertisements. This is BAPs 6702 but I have only received advertisers BAPs 5220 value . The rest BAPS 1482 , when they will arrive?
96k to 180k …........ 0.060 …........ 15103.44 …........ 4507 …........ 3.3511 …........ 0.04
I had planned to invest heavily in paidverts and mytrafficvalue and have spent time raising money , but after the last few days whenever I am more afraid of doing this
You're right, yesterday you received ads of total worth of $2.55075. But none of your BAP got deducted so you haven't lost anything and as annoying it might be that others in the same group received the ads and you haven't there's nothing we can do about it. You will continue to receive ads normally, this was an unfortunate exception.
Best regards,
Support Team
Me dan la razón pero me dicen que vuelva por donde vine que debemos ser tan pocos en mi caso que no se molestan y nos dan palmadita en la espalda al son de "campeón"