• No usar correos hotmail para el registro en el foro, hotmail está presentando muchos problemas últimamente y no llegan los emails de activación.
  • Gana más haciendo lo mismo participando en los proyectos del foro.

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Siii.a razón de 1 $ 10 shares así q nos están obligando a comprar shares áhora, cuanto antes mejor, ahora sacarías casi 60 shares y claro no paran de subir, si ayer había 1200 páginas de venta ya sólo hay la mitad, precio del share a pasado de 0,01 a 0,018


I was planning on doing a smart move, being:

Put a big block of RP's (after some calculating) at a certain price point knowing that the $160.000,- spend would eat a big portion of them and profit from them.
It wouldn't be abuse in any way as I got the same info as you guys do, the same timeframe etc.

I've put a sale on the market this morning and might adjust it once more before the day ends but I wouldn't touch it on the 12th anymore.. Simply using math to profit from the same info we all possess.

But i've decided to make a "game" out of the $160.000,- Paidverts/Portfolio purchases on 12/11.

I'm announcing a time at which i'll fire the entire moneypile all in 1 go and everyone will have even chances of trying to profit from it.

Why did I decide to do so?

Obviously i'm fully aware some of you would still think of it as abuse if a CEO profits without at least announcing it repeatedly, so this is a better way.

This will most probably get Paidverts and the Portfolio a lot more shares for the same cash as everyone will try to profit from the purchase and put their RP's for sale.
And everyone that will take profit will aft bierwards spend the cash on BAP's, ftq investments, BAP shares.. And all of that removes debt for the company.